• How does a spine problem arise?
    While there is no particular one reason, it can be said that by birth some people may have structural weakness in the discs, also lifestyle & medical factors are big contributors.
  • Can spine problems occur in very young age??
    Nowadays the lifestyle of young people is sedentary, with very less physical activity or sports that they play. This leads to poor development of muscles and bones, which ultimately can lead to spine problems if not corrected early enough at an early age.
  • Can a person after a spine surgery lead a normal lifestyle?
    Nowadays we do spine surgeries in a minimally invasive & endoscopic approach, this surgery does not cause any major tissue damage, the post-operative period is not painful, also recovery is quick. Hence patients after a minimally invasive spine surgery can perform almost all of their normal functions after the surgery.
  • Is a spine surgery risky?
    Any surgery done has some risks ranging from minor complications to infections to major complications like non resolution of symptoms. With the advancement of technology and skilled persons performing the surgeries, these risks have been reduced significantly, so as to say, can be considered negligible. Infact in some surgeries for some conditions, these can be performed as daycare procedures, that is after the procedure the patient can go home the same day in the evening or night.